
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Is Getting Free Updates For Holidays, Events

As part of its Animal Crossing-focused Direct, Nintendo has detailed plans for how it intends to support the upcoming Switch entry, Animal Crossing: New Horizons. As revealed during the Nintendo Direct, New Horizons will have multiple free updates post-launch, and you won't have to wait long for them to begin rolling out.

The first of these free updates arrives on March 20--the game's release day--and will introduce Bunny Day. From that point on, holidays and events that aren't already in the game will be introduced as they come up in the real-life calendar. This gradual rollout means that the system clock and other exploits can't be manipulated to do some virtual time-travelling and see events before Nintendo intends them to be available.

The Animal Crossing franchise delivers what many treat as lifestyle experiences. Each game invites players to check in day after day to do small tasks, chat with friends in the world, progress in developing their place in the town, and customize their living spaces. As such, events are a big part in keeping the games fresh, and it looks like Nintendo has grand designs on making sure players are always entertained and excited about what's happening.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons launches on March 20 and, ahead of that, Nintendo is releasing a special Animal Crossing-themed Switch console on March 13. The system features pastel green and blue Joy-Cons and a white dock, which has Tom Nook and his nephews on an island adorned on it.

During the Direct, Nintendo also revealed that New Horizons will let you change your island's terrain and the game uses the Switch Online app in clever ways.

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