
What's New Today In Modern Warfare Season 2's Free Update

Update: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 has now launched on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a ton of new content and rewards. The download size is also notably large on all platforms, which has players talking. Original story follows.

Season Two of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare begins tomorrow, February 11. The season offers a brand-new battle pass of rewards to earn, modes to play, challenges to complete, and missions to take on. You won't get everything on launch day though. In the following article, we list all of the new content that will be available in Modern Warfare on day one of Season Two.

The new season launches with two new multiplayer maps (Rust and Atlas Superstore), a new Ground War map (Zhokov Boneyard), and several new Gunfight maps. You'll also gain access to two new multiplayer modes--Gunfight Tournaments and Call of Duty League Ruleset Playlist--as well as the Ghost operator. Both the GRAU 5.56 and Striker 45 will be added as new weapons too.

That's all the new content specifically coming tomorrow. The remaining map, two operators, four modes, and weapon will be added to Modern Warfare later in Season Two. You can see a visual representation of the split in the image embedded below.

The return of Rust is the big content drop for Season Two. For those who don't know, Rust is another remake of a classic Modern Warfare map. Specifically belonging to 2009's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Rust is modeled off of the Endgame mission from the game's campaign. It's a small map, but Rust offers a lot of vertical movement--allowing you to ambush enemies from both above and below.

In GameSpot's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare review, Kallie Plagge wrote, "The pitfalls of Spec Ops don't detract from what Modern Warfare does well, though. Realism mode is an excellent addition to the slate, and although not all the new multiplayer modes are great, Gunfight and the Night Vision playlist are refreshing standouts. And while the campaign ends up playing it safe in the end, it's still a memorable one, and it lays a strong foundation for where the Modern Warfare series could go from here."

Though it's incredibly obvious--given the annual nature of the franchise--Activision Blizzard has confirmed that a new Call of Duty game is in development and scheduled to release later this year.

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