
Zedamex’s Full Review of DIVALLER by DJ-DAO for MikuFan

After over a year of careful analysis and various testing scenarios, the full video review of DJ-DAO’s DIVALLER controller by Zedamex for MikuFan is finally ready to be unleashed to the world!

MikuFan was presented the opportunity by GAMO2/DJ-DAO to review the DIVALLER, a custom 3rd party controller for the Hatsune Miku Project DIVA games on PS3, PS4, and Switch (it even works on PC). This controller is styled after the Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Arcade cabinet controls, and is built out of a sturdy (and hefty!) aluminum frame.

For this review, we received the DIVALLER, as well as a set of the optional SANWA switches to test the full functionality of the controller with all platforms. We then reached out to Zedamex to request a full professional review. He covers everything from the controller’s feel, operation, modification, repair-ability, and even its latency claims. The controller is also pitted against the official HORI controllers and Project DIVA Arcade cabinets to see how it compares against the competition.

At over 100 minutes, no details are left uncovered. We debunked some misconceptions, and point out some common user mistakes and how to avoid them to ensure the best possible gameplay experience on each console. We suggest watching the full video over on YouTube, and use the convenient timestamps in the video description to skip to sections of interest. Please be sure to give Zedamex some kudos and thanks for his hard work!

This review was not paid for or sponsored, and was created purely out of interest and passion for the controller and Project Diva games. If you’d like to buy one for yourself you can find it at the links below!

DIVALLER Portal Site → https://www.dj-dao.com/en/divaller
DIVALLER Shop Page → https://www.gamo2.com/en/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=352
GAMO2 Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamoTwo

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